Finding Peace

by Shiu Lan
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10

Hebrews 12:1-4

Luke 12:49-53

Our world today is dominated by wars, conflicts and divisions; between and within countries, cultures, religions and families. Chaos dominated the news of the day; from trade wars, refugee tragedies, citizen protests, gun shots, family breakdowns to road rage. We are indeed witnessing the “division” that Jesus proclaimed in the Gospel reading of this Sunday (Luke 12:51).

In the midst of this unrest, can we be a maker of peace?

In his book “Finding Peace”, Jean Vanier said that peacemaking is not just about doing big things to solve big conflicts; we can become persons of peace wherever we may be, in our family, at work, in our parish, or in our neighbourhood. We must open our hearts to welcome others inside and outside of our community, our culture and our faith group. We must not judge or condemn or speak poorly of people. We welcome people who are weak and in need, maybe just with a smile, by giving them support, or offering them kindness and tenderness. We welcome those with whom we may have difficulty or do not like, as well as those who are culturally, psychologically or intellectually different from us. We must not approach people from a pedestal, a position of power to solve problems, but from a place of listening, understanding, humility and love. This implies a fundamental equality: no one person is superior to another. Then we become more open to the love and compassion of God that give us strength, courage and wisdom to believe that every person is important and precious to God. Walls that separate people and societies start to weaken in this gentle encounter. Building relationships imply openness and caring for others that reveals to them their value and their gifts.

As I was reading this book, I recalled a mother and son sitting next to me while watching a show in a theme park. The mother who was in a wheelchair said appreciatively but apologetically to the son that it must have been very strenuous for him to push her around in the heat of summer for her to enjoy the huge park. The son replied gently “Mom, this is good exercise for me, I need exercise. And I can enjoy more when we go to the buffet”. From the mother’s bright smile, I figure that if she has any uneasiness or fear that she might be a burden to the son is completely removed with his gentle reassurance. I seem to understand what Vanier means when we care for someone, we have to reveal to them their value. Then it becomes easier to open people’s hearts to build stronger bonds and relationships that enable us to walk together on the road of kindness, compassion and peace.