VideoVideoVideoVideoVideoVideo Double Canonization: A Pilgrim’s Journal 1 by Rosa Tse 2020-10-22 2020-10-22
Pope Francis: All of Christian life is the work of Jesus, the Holy Spirit to prepare a place by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-26 2013-04-26
Inspire Pope Francis: the time of waiting for the Lord’s return is the time of action by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-24 2013-04-24
Pope Francis: The Church’s journey always takes place between the Cross and the Resurrection by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-23 2013-04-23
The Pope says: Submit to the Holy Spirit and go forward along the path of holiness by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-19 2013-04-19
Pope Francis: Our faith begins with an encounter with Jesus by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-18 2013-04-18
InspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspireInspire Pope Francis: Be obedient to God’s will by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-17 2013-04-17
Pope Francis: Submit to the Holy Spirit and go forward along the path of holiness by FLL Editorial Team 2013-04-16 2013-04-16