Handpicked by Jesus

by FLL Editorial Team

若望福音 21:15-19



祈禱意向: 為執掌司法的人,能始終恪守公正廉潔和正直良知祈禱。
傳教意向: 為修院,特別是傳教區教會的修院,按照基督之心,培養全部獻身福音宣講的牧人祈禱


John 21:15-19

In today's gospel, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. When Jesus asked the third time, Peter was distressed, he probably thought Jesus did not believe him. Jesus could have asked: "Why did you deny me?", but He did not. Jesus does not condemn us for our sins, He cares about whether we choose to love Him.

Jesus handpicked Peter to be the leader of the Church. In Acts, we saw that when Peter went to preach the Good News, the Holy Spirit was really with him. People even wished his shadow would fall on the sick for a cure. The Pope continue to leads the Church these days, he is a successor of St. Peter. We trust that the Holy Spirit would guide him to be a pastor of God's people. Let us always pray for the Pope and his intentions.

Listed below are the Holy Father's prayer intentions for this month:
Administrators of Justice. That administrators of justice may act always with integrity and right conscience.
Seminaries. That seminaries, especially those of mission churches, may form pastors after the Heart of Christ, fully dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel.