Please support “Fountain of Love and Life”Chinese Catholic Evangelization Ministry
You can make a difference. Your donation will help spread the Good News to reach more people around the world.
Thanks to advances in media technology and social networking, more people can get in touch with Catholic teachings through our TV and Radio productions.Our production and operational costs rely solely on donations. Every dollar you contributed helps us produce TV and Radio programs, purchase airtime and special programs, lease equipments, and pay our daily operational costs.Thank you for your generosity! God bless.
Charitable Registration: #837539642 RR0001
Donate Now
Become FLL monthly donor. Your regular donation helps us plan and realize our evangelization work more effectively.
You may use one time method to donate to FLL. With your generous gifts, you can multiply the impact of our evangelization work.
Other Ways to Donate
You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support Fountain of Love and Life! Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation — running or not! Old or new!
To donate your car, please press the “Donate My Car” button below and fill in the form provided.
Tribute Donation
A tribute program is a meaningful way to memorialize a person’s life, honor a friend, or recognize a milestone event. When you donate through “FLL Tribute Program”, we will send your regards to the persons you specified, in order to show respect and honour them.