A tribute program is a meaningful way to memorialize a person’s life, honor a friend, or recognize a milestone event. When you donate through “FLL Tribute Program”, we will send your regards to the persons you specified, in order to show respect and honour them.
In Memory of a Loved One
Sympathy Card
A gift donated in memory of a loved one is a meaningful way to celebrate and remember his/her life by leaving a legacy. Once a tribute gifts is made to FLL, a sympathy card will be sent to the family or friends you designate on your behalf.
In Honour of Someone
Tribute Card
When you want to honour or compliment someone, or celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, you can do it through a tribute gift to FLL. Once a tribute gift is made to FLL through on line donation, a personalized greeting card will be sent to the person(s) you specified notifying him/her of your generosity and appreciation.