While St. John Bosco did prison ministry, prison guards were discriminated against, but he still treated them with respect. Once, he got lost in prison without a guard to guide him and stumbled into the home of the guard over those condemned to die. The guard’s family was surprised to see him treat them so respectfully and were happy to serve him coffee as requested. The guard burst out, “Father, do you know whose house this is?” John Bosco replied, “I know, it is the house of a righteous man. I know you are a good Christian. Would you like to be my friend?” Indeed, the guard would donate five lira to offer a Mass for every executed inmate. But he had never been thought highly of before and was overjoyed to be called a “good Christian”. The two men became good friends and the guard would sometimes attend Mass at John Bosco’s church. By respecting others, St. John Bosco opened people’s hearts and glorified God.