St. John Bosco founded the Salesian Order, dedicated to educating youths. One of his more well-known students was St. Dominic Savio. On the day of his First Communion, he made four vows: (1) to diligently receive the Sacraments; (2) to sanctify Sundays and holy days; (3) to befriend Jesus and Mary; and (4) to rather die than sin. Everyday, the 14 year-old boy had to walk 12 miles to school but he never felt tired, for he believed that “God my master rewards me richly.” Once, Dominic’s classmate committed a serious sin and framed Dominic. He was silent throughout and when the truth came to light later, he said, “I know he only accused me because he had other troubles. I hoped to give him another chance.” Once, Dominic asked St. John Bosco to let him study in Turin, saying, “Taylor me into a fitting garment for Christ!” Another time, St. John Bosco preached about the universal call to saintliness, instilling in Dominic the need to always rejoice in God.