【Spiritual Talk】Second Sunday of Advent (Year A) – Fr. Anthony Ho

by Kenny Cheng

Apart from Jesus and Mary, Advent has a third important character: St. John the Baptist. In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, the Gospel of Matthew 3:1-12, the Baptist proclaims the Kingdom of God is near and calls the people to repent. The term “Kingdom of God” is very important in Matthew’s Gospel and appears 51 times. The Baptist wears a shirt of camel’s hair and a leather belt, just like the Old Testament prophet Elijah. Apart from their similarity in clothing, the two men also opposed an evil king and were persecuted for it. They also prepared the way for another prophet: Elijah for Elisha, the Baptist for Jesus. And both Elisha and Jesus would heal lepers and raise the dead. Also, both men transmitted their missions at the Jordan River: Elijah was received into Heaven and passed his mission to Elisha; St. John baptized Jesus and made way for His greater mission. The baptism of John prepared the way for the baptism of Christ, which remits sins and makes people into temples of God and members of the Church.

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