With Jason being a newlywed and Andrew continuing to discover the joys of fatherhood, marriage and family life are at the top of their minds! Today, they talk about the idea of gender roles; how do we balance the ‘traditional roles’ that a father and a mother have a natural inclination towards while we transition out of the era of excessively patriarchal homes? We try to discern that with today’s discussion–hope you enjoy!
Talks mentioned in the podcast:
– Fr Mike Schmitz, Good News Cruise 2022 https://youtu.be/x0XTTXg–4M
– Restore the Glory, Theology of the Body & Healing: Part 3 (Male) https://open.spotify.com/episode/4dR0j4jgx2fHUgUWzKOFtJ?si=ff92eb7a1f6445f3
– Restore the Glory, Theology of the Body & Healing: Part 4 (Female) https://open.spotify.com/episode/76ohe2IRb4K6sLz1fwnZwS?si=f21e4af2685840cf
– Restore the Glory, Theology of the Body & Healing: Part 5 (Union of Man and Woman) https://open.spotify.com/episode/3q2plCDMld7cj3kXEjkNLY?si=7620a2deb4ce40ea
– Restore the Glory, Theology of the Body & Healing: Part 6 (Healing Our Shame) https://open.spotify.com/episode/3kGIMvZg12BbPjQjDoD0As?si=47c4b6661e364084