May 13th is Mother’s Day, also the 101st anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. The period of 1830-1954, known as the Marian Age, was a period of numerous Marian apparitions, starting with Catherine Labouré in 1830. Born on May 2, 1806, Catherine Labouré dreamt an old priest telling her to come over, but she refused. He said, “My child, it is good to care for the sick; you have left me now, but you will later come willingly. God has a plan for you, do not forget that.” Many years later, she saw a portrait of that priest on the wall in a Daughters of Charity-run hospital – it was their founder, St. Vincent de Paul. In 1830, she entered the order in Paris, and was granted many visions. On the eve of the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, the mother superior explained the virtues of their founder to the novices, and gifted them some of his relics. She prayed fervently to the Saint, asking that he grant her a vision of the Virgin Mary. At night, an angel woke her up, told her to meet the Virgin Mary in the chapel. On entering, she saw Mary seated on the mother superior’s seat, and the angel told her to kneel beside Mary. Mary told her, “God will give you a mission. You will be opposed, but do not be afraid. Tell your superiors all that you see. France and the world are very evil. I will give graces to those who pray for them. There will be persecution, and the Cross will be insulted.” Over the next 125 years, the Church went through many revolutions and two World Wars, but Mary sustained her with messages of prayer and reparation.