Fr. Ho talks about the Apostles’ Creed

by Kenny Cheng

The Catholic Church has two main creeds: the longer Nicene Creed and the shorter Apostles’ Creed. The Apostles’ Creed mentions “the communion of saints”, which refers to how the Church is the mystical Body of Christ, whose life is the Spirit, flowing like blood and enabling the baptized to help each other. The members of this Body also include the saints in heaven too, who care for and pray for us. We can also pray for the souls in Purgatory and help them enter Heaven earlier. Our communion with other humans reflects the communion enjoyed by the Three Persons of the Trinity. Traditionally, the Church comprises of three parts: the souls in Heaven, known as the Church Triumphant; the souls in Purgatory, known as the Church Suffering; and the souls on Earth, known as the Church Militant. Furthermore, there are three categories of saints: Biblical, Traditional, and Ecclesiastical saints.

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