As we offer and lift up to God the little we have and possess, God will multiply and make miracles!

by Paul Yeung
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 KINGS 4:42-44


JOHN 6:1-15

The importance of the multiplication of the loaves and the feeding of the five thousand is indicated by the fact that, besides the Resurrection, it is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels. It prefigures the mystery of the Blessed Eucharist through which our souls are nourished. By mentioning the feast of the Passover (John 6:4) in this Gospel passage, St. John connects this miracle with the deliverance from the slavery of sin through Christ’s death and resurrection, and the providence of God.

There are three main conditions for the miracle to happen — our trust in the Lord, selflessness, and unity. Instead of relying on human’s abilities, Jesus teaches His disciples to trust in Him, even in extreme situations where we are lacking in every aspect and resources are scarce. We are invited to be selfless in giving what we have for the common good and trust that God will multiply our humble contributions (our resources, time, and talents) beyond our imagination for the need of the whole community. This spirit of generosity will also spread and empower one another in selfless giving. As we put others (community) first, we learn to share the gifts and resources that are entrusted to each one of us (the spirit of stewardship). It will bring about unity and oneness instead of individualism and selfishness. And that will maintain “the unity of the Spirit” as instructed by St. Paul in today’s second reading. (Ephesians 4:3)

Our Lord is a generous God. Not only does He provide to satisfy our needs but we will also be in abundance, with lots of leftovers! (rf. John 6:11-13) Let us always have faith in the Lord and be united with our brothers and sisters even when we face seemingly impossible challenges. He will provide and deliver us from harm and evil.

As we offer and lift up to God the little we have and possess, God will multiply and make miracles!

“You open your hand to feed us, Lord; you satisfy all our needs.” (Psalm 145)