Daniel 7:13 - 14
Revelation 1:5 - 8
John 18:33B - 37
We are all like Pilate: we do not understand Christ and His Kingship. So often when we are faced with the many trials and sufferings, or when we are confused by what are happening in this world, we turn to God only to challenge Him, to question Him why things have happened the way they have. We simply do not understand the way of the Lord. We have missed the point and used worldly logic to interrogate the real King of kings. In doing so, we are no different from Pilate.
Let’s make no mistake: Christ’s kingship and His kingdom are established not through violence or earthly powers, but through overcoming sins and death at a pricey cost of a shameful death on the Cross, for you and for me. He has “re-established” His kingdom on earth by His own blood, and we are called to defend and extend this kingdom (His Church and the truth) using His way and not the human way. (Ref. “To Him who loves us and freed us from our sins by His blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father.” - Revelation 1:5-6)
“I came into this world to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37)
We need to challenge our human understanding and the distorted views presented to us by the world. We are called to stand by the truth and declare war on the evil, even when it means immense sufferings and many forms of persecutions.
In Chinese, there is a proverb that says 風雨同路 “As companions along the same path, let’s brave the stormy weather together” which has dual meanings for Christ’s followers. It is God telling us that the earthly journey for us is indeed a stormy one, yet He has also promised to be with us “always until the end of time” (Matthew 28:20). The conflicts between His Kingdom and the earthly powers will continue until He comes again. The final triumph and the true kingship belong to Him and we are to share His glory if we persevere and walk with Him till the end. As He has not deserted us the sinners, let us not make Pilate’s mistake and desert Christ the real king of our lives.
Brothers and sisters, hang in there! As the turmoil, terrors and persecutions of this world continue to haunt us, let us not deviate from His path but stick with this Christ the King who will lead us to the final victory!