But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little

by FLL Editorial Team

woman-anoint-jesus-feet路加福音 7:36-8:3





Luke 7:36-8:3

In today's gospel, Jesus told a parable about two people who had a debt which neither could repay. One had a larger debt than the other. The creditor forgave it for both. Jesus asked, which of them will love the creditor more?

For the two people who had a debt, even though one had a larger debt, neither of them could repay it by their own effort. Both of them had to rely on the creditor's forgiveness.

The Pharisees at the time thought that by observing all precepts of the Law of Moses, they would obtain holiness, and they would commit no sin. They thought they could earn salvation by their own effort. But the sinful woman knew she had committed lots of sins, she loved Jesus, because it was clear to her that she really needed Him.

Do we consider ourselves "doing pretty good"? Jesus said: "But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little". If we are not aware of how badly we need God's forgiveness, we have less love for Him. We have to pray for a broken and humble heart. Only when we know how difficult we are to love, we can rejoice in the Good News of forgiveness and salvation.

Praying for a Broken and Humble Heart: A Meditation on Love of the Sinful Woman (Luke 7)