Silence in the face of heresy gives consent

by FLL Editorial Team

St. Athanasius was the bishop of Alexandria and the Church's greatest hero against the Arian heresy - the belief that Jesus was a created being and not God. Can you imagine the consequence of such a belief? If we worshiped a created being and not God, we would be committing idolatry. God and God alone is worthy of worship. While Arius may be long dead, his heresy still lives on in those who proclaim Jesus is Lord but not Jesus is God.

In our evangelization, we Catholics have a responsibility to fight this heresy and proclaim Jesus as our Lord and our God. St. Athanasius and his contemporaries have provided us weapons for this spiritual battle. Remember Matthew 10:32-33 and that silence in the face of heresy gives consent. What would Jesus say to us if we retreat in a battle already won by His best friends, the Saints? We really have no excuse especially when Athanasius earned the title of "Arius' ablest enemy" while only a deacon! For this Year of Faith, in order to grow in love of Christ, we need to know about Him first through His best friends. Only then can we pray with our whole heart and mind, confident of its roots in the Sacred Scriptures:

...I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through Him all things were made...

Basic spiritual weapons:
Gospel according to St. John
The Deposition of Arius

Intermediate spiritual weapons:
On the Incarnation of the Word
Four Discourses Against the Arians