(CNA/EWTN News) On January 8, Pope Francis began a new series of catecheses on the Sacraments, starting with Baptism.
As “the first of the Church's seven sacraments, baptism gives us new birth in Christ,” said the Pope, and it “makes us sharers in the mystery of his death and resurrection, grants the forgiveness of sin and brings us new freedom as God's children and members of his Church.”
“Baptism is the sacrament on which our faith is founded and we are living members of Christ and of his Church,” the Pontiff emphasized, highlighting how it is not just “a simple rite or a formal act.”
Our baptism has changed us, given us a new and glorious hope, and empowered us to bring God's redeeming love to all, particularly the poor, in whom we see the face of Christ.”
Read full text: Pope urges faithful to remember 'glorious hope' of Baptism