Husband, Wife, Monk, Friar, Sister, Father, and … Consecrated Virgin? If you’re like me, you have never heard of Consecrated Virginity before as a vocation in the Catholic Church. But this vocation’s history stretches back to the early days of the Church and is being revived in recent years. This episode is the first of my vocational series, where I ask my guests to pick a song relating to their vocational discernment and to answer these seven simple questions:
1. Please introduce yourself and how we got to know each other.
2. Explain your song of choice and how it relates to your discernment.
3. Please explain your vocation in general and what it means to you.
4. How did you discern your vocation with this diocese/order/person in particular? Were there any challenges?
5. Why did you pursue your vocation with this diocese/order/person in particular?
6. How has your faith changed since entering this vocation?
7. If you could advise your 18-year-old self about your vocation, what would you say?
Listen to me chat with Erin Kinsella, the Directory of Campus Ministry at the University of Toronto’s Newman Centre, as we learn about her conversion, her early years, and how she discerned Consecrated Virginity at the Archdiocese of Toronto.
The song you heard in the intro was “Wayfaring Stranger”, by The Quebe Sisters and the song Erin picked was “Halo”, by Beyoncé. If you have any friends and family that you think would like this podcast, please share wherever you listen to your podcasts! You can drop a comment or question for me to answer in a future episode at