若望福音 12:24-26

我們全部人都有自己的生活方式,總有一些人、一些地方、一些事令我們感到安逸的。我的生活也許不完美,但卻是熟悉的。耶穌邀請我們把自己交出。祂叫我們把自己的計劃、意願和命運全都放在祂手裡。領洗的意義就在於此,「我生活已不是我生活,而是基督在我內生活」(迦拉達書 2:20) 我不再坐在司機的座位上,但我請耶穌坐在那裡。我把我最愛的所有都放在祭台上,當天主把它們交給我,我才領回。
John 12:24-26
The grain of wheat that Jesus spoke of in today's Gospel refers to Himself. Jesus knew that his death would be fruitful beyond all imagining. And being fruitful was more important to Him than being safe or comfortable.
But the Lord calls us not just to remember it, but to imitate it. We are called to be not just believers, but disciples. Jesus lost his natural human life, but was given in return a new, risen, humanity which explodes the limits of the humanity we know.
We all have a life that we're rather attached to, with people, places, things, and activities that we are comfortable with. My life may not be perfect, but it is familiar. And it's mine. The Lord invites me not just to give up dessert for a few weeks, but to give up myself. He asks me to die to my own plans, my own will, and put my destiny entirely in his hands. Incidentally, that is what baptism is supposed to mean–that it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me (Gal 2:20). That I'm no longer in the driver's seat, but I've put Jesus there. That all that is dearest to me, I've put on the altar, and will only take it back if the Lord gives it back.
Why would we do such a radical thing? Only if we truly believe that planting the seed of our lives and dreams in the fertile soil of the Lord's vineyard will produce much fruit. That we, like the apostles, will grow to be more than we'd ever hoped we'd be. That he would do through us, as through them, more than we'd ever dreamt possible.