Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the Good Shepherd,
And you never leave your flock untended.
You gave your life that we may live,
And you appoint shepherds after your own heart,
To lead your people by word and example
To likewise give themselves away in love.
We thank you for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI,
And for his service to the Church and the world.
We ask that you now give him a fruitful period
Of rest and prayer, of gratitude and praise.
We ask you, Lord Jesus, with the Father,
To send the Holy Spirit on the Church once again.
In particular, guide the Cardinals who will shortly exercise
The obligation and privilege of electing a new Pope.
Guide their deliberations and decisions
With divine wisdom and insight.
Even now, Lord Jesus, give to the new Pope,
Whom you have already chosen,
An abundance of holiness and strength,
To carry out the mission you have entrusted to him.
May your Word reign supreme in his life,
And may his every word and action point the Church to You,
The supreme and eternal Shepherd,
And the only mediator between God and humanity
For you live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
(「為選舉教宗」求恩彌撒的集禱文 )