
by FLL Editorial Team

路加福音 12:13-21

 © Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. (www.flickr.com/photos/paullew/)

© Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. (www.flickr.com/photos/paullew/)





這篇默想由生命恩泉文摘編輯小組撰寫,內容以下列文章為根據: Commentaries on the daily readings by Sacred Space, 常年期第廿九週星期一.

Someone in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.”
He replied to him, “Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?” Then he said to the crowd, “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions.”

Then he told them a parable. “There was a rich man whose land produced a bountiful harvest. He asked himself, ‘What shall I do, for I do not have space to store my harvest?' And he said, ‘This is what I shall do: I shall tear down my barns and build larger ones. There I shall store all my grain and other goods and I shall say to myself, “Now as for you, you have so many good things stored up for many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!$2"0$ But God said to him, ‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?' Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to God.”
Luke 12:13-21

Throughout history, it's always been one of the greatest temptations for human beings to crave for money and wealth. Even in some cases, it is not due to greed, people still wish to own more to feel more secure in life. These possessions can be materialistic such as properties, money, and investment; or it can be one's reputation, social status, job, relationships, etc. The possession itself is usually neutral, but the problem is if we attach too much to these possessions, it would affect our relationship with God. We would then become whom Jesus called the “foolish rich man”, because we rely on temporal things more than God and yet blinded to believe these things will bring us security in life.

Jesus warned us that “one's life does not consist of possessions”. Therefore we should be wise disciples, and fix our eyes on God and His promise of eternal treasure in heaven, rather than things in this life that will eventually pass away. For Jesus said, “No servant can serve two masters... You cannot serve God and money.” (Luke 16:13) It is a choice we have to make.

What are your attachments in life? What do you see as your treasure in life?

"For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." (Matthew 6:21)

This reflection is prepared by the FLL Inspire editorial team as a digest of the following two articles: Commentaries on the daily readings by Sacred Space, 常年期第廿九週星期一.

