法國青年前往世青途中遇車禍 教宗致以深切慰問

by FLL Editorial Team

MEDION DIGITAL CAMERA在7月17日早上,二十三名法國青年在準備前往巴西參加世青的途中遇上車禍,一名來自巴黎的少女喪生,數人受傷情況嚴重。教宗得知意外後向所有受意外影響的人致以慰問,深表同情。在發生車禍的教區,Emmanuel Marie Philippe Louis Lafont主教在週三晚上特別為車禍的受害人主持彌撒。

On July 17, tragedy struck a group of 23 French youth heading to Brazil for World Youth Day when their bus crashed into a truck. A girl from Paris died, and several people were in critical condition. Upon being informed of the accident Pope Francis sent a message to the group to express his condolences and sympathy. Bishop Emmanuel Marie Philippe Louis Lafont of Cayenne, the diocese where the accident occurred, celebrated a Mass Wednesday evening for the victims.

資料來源 Source:
Tragic Bus Accident Strikes French Youth Heading to WYD, Pope Francis Sends Condolence Message to Victims

