The Rio Stations of the Cross speak of the suffering of Jesus as expressed in the youth of today. The route taken by Jesus in the city of Jerusalem will be recreated in the Stations of the Cross on July 26 in the setting of Rio de Janeiro, such as at the Rock of Arpoador and the Selarón Staircase in Lapa. There will be 14 stations, with 13 of them set along 900 meters of the central median of Atlantic Avenue and the final at the central stage, where Pope Francis will be. The cast will consist of 280 volunteers who will enact the stations throughout the approximately 1 hour and 15 minute procession.
Each of the stations will relate to one of the questions facing youth in the modern world: missionary youth; youth in social networks; youth with terminal illness etc.
Pope Francis will preside at the main stage. Besides the staging at the other 13 stations, there will also be a representation of all that is happening in the other stations on the main stage. “The idea is that the Holy Father will participate in a real way with everything that is happening in each of scenes,” explained the general director Ulysses Cruz.
資料來源 Source:
WYD Rio Stations of the Cross: Message of Solidarity