Grace Liu
Grace Liu
作者阿信為天主教徒,香港聖神修院宗教學學士(夜間神學首間畢業生)。香港中文大學翻譯系碩士,羅馬傳信大學神學碩士(S.T.L.)。一直從事翻譯及英語教授工作, 曾為香港公教真理學會翻譯多本作品。著作有:「驀然回首 ─ 靈修之旅」(論盡神學出版社,2004年),「寄往天鄉的信」 (論盡神學出版社,2005年),「呵氣如蘭:舊約聖經硏讀及反省」(塔冷通心靈書舍出版,2010年) ,「上主的照拂•如蘭 – 香在無心處」(塔冷通心靈書舍出版, 2018年)。阿信現居溫哥華,致力推廣聖經閱讀,主要是向教友介紹釋經家對聖經的看法,在堂區主持聖言邂逅團體已近廿年,分別主持舊約及新約聖經課程。 Grace is a holder of Sacred Theology Licentiate, Pontifical Urban University of Rome. Bachelor of Religious Sciences & of Sacred Theology, Holy Spirit Seminary College of Theology & Philosophy (H.K.). Master of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Grace has translated many works for the HK Catholic Truth Society and has been working as English tutor. She is the author of 4 books, one of which is on the reading and reflections of the Old Testament. Grace has been O.T and N.T instructor of the Encounter of the Word Bible group in her parish for over 20 years.