新一任教宗: Pope Francis
教宗方濟各,原名 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ, 來自阿根廷
日期 / 時間 | 教宗選舉進度 |
星期二(三月十二日)上午 | 樞機團於聖伯多祿大殿奉獻彌撒 |
星期二(三月十二日)下午 | 樞機投票人進入西斯汀小堂,下午開始投票 |
星期二(三月十二日)下午 | 煙囪冒出黑煙,首日投票未選出新教宗 |
星期三(三月十三日)上午 | 舉行兩次投票 |
星期三(三月十三日)中午 | 煙囪冒出黑煙,投票未選出新教宗 |
星期三(三月十三日)下午 | 煙囪冒出白煙,新教宗已選出! |
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教會透視 Perspectives (Mar 11, 2013)
[By Salt and Light TV]
All 115 cardinals arrive in Vatican to attend Conclave
Letter to Pope Benedict from Chinese Clergy and Faithful
資深教會研究學者 Gabriel Chow 梵蒂岡報導
Special Salt and Light press live coverage from the Vatican
Conclave: papal job description, smokestacks and more
[Vatican Radio] Senior Fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center, Fr. Thomas Reese, sj. says the Cardinals may have a tough task trying to elect a new Pope in the conclave that begins Tuesday in the Vatican. In the run-up to the conclave, Tracey McClure asked him to share his thoughts on some of the aspects of the conclave and, to offer a job description for the next pope!
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Voting for new pope to begin March 12
[Catholic News Service / Vatican City] The first session of voting inside the Sistine Chapel will begin in the afternoon, following a morning Mass "Pro eligendo Summo Pontifice" ("for the election of the supreme pontiff") in St. Peter's Basilica.
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No conclave date, but cardinals develop 'profile' of new pope
[Catholic News Service / Vatican City] Although by March 6 the world's cardinals had not set a date to begin the conclave to elect a new pope, they had begun discussing "the profile" required of the next pope to meet the needs of the church, the Vatican spokesman said.
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[梵蒂岡電台訊] 聖座新聞室主任隆巴爾迪神父在3月7日舉行的新聞發布會上﹐向記者們介紹了當天上午召開的第5次樞機團會議。為加快工作進度﹐7日下午接著召開第6次樞機團會議。隆巴爾迪神父在新聞發布會上首先強調:「選舉教宗會議舉行的日期尚未決定。當天上午出席會議的樞機共152位﹐最後一位有選舉資格的越南樞機范明敏預計7日下午抵達﹐屆時115位有選舉資格的樞機將全數到齊。」
[梵蒂岡電台訊] 聖座發言人隆巴爾迪神父3月1日宗座出缺的第一天發布新聞簡報,告訴新聞界人士本篤十六世前一天晚上和當天上午在岡道爾夫堡的生活情況,他說:“聖父很安詳”,前一天晚上看了報導下午消息的電視新聞。隆巴爾迪神父也證實將於下週一3月4日上午9點30分召開樞機團全體會議,但排除會在當天確定舉行選舉教宗樞密會議的日期。
Cardinal Sodano Summons Cardinals to Rome
[Zenit.org] On the first day of Sede Vacante, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, has sent out a letter summoning the cardinals to the first General Congregation, which will begin on Monday, March 4th at the Synod of Bishops Hall. A second General Congregation will take place in the afternoon.
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[公教報] 八十五歲的教宗本篤十六世二月二十八日辭職後,香港教區主教湯漢樞機成為參與教宗選舉的華人樞機。湯漢樞機現年七十三歲,是樞機團內一百一十七位未滿八十歲的華人樞機。
各地樞機聚首梵蒂岡 召開會議選舉新教宗
[公教報/綜合外電報導] 教廷講解選舉教宗閉門會議的規則,這次會議原有一百一十七位樞機合資格選教宗投票,但至二月二十六日印尼樞機表示因健康不會出席,蘇格蘭樞機辭職亦表示不赴會;至此只有一百一十五人會出席投票。教廷新聞室二月二十二日舉行記者會,講解先教宗若望保祿二世一九九六年二月二十二日頒布、距今剛好十七周年的《上主的全體羊群》宗座憲章(Universi Dominici Gregis),憲章對宗座出缺和選舉教宗事宜作出一系列規定。
Cardinal Electors
As of Friday, March 01, 2013, there are 207 Cardinals, 117 of whom are eligible to vote and 90 of whom are ineligible. View list of electors from EWTN.com.
Photos of Papal Conclave and Benedict XVI are provided by Brother Gustavo Kralj – GaudiumPress.org © Copyright