By Bonny Chan
八月尾至九月,幾名《生命恩泉》代表 Paul Yeung, Roque Ip 和我舉行了首次巡迴推介會。隨行到滿地可巡迴推介會的還有 Paul Tam, Colette Chow 和 Cecilia Ng。這次巡迴推介會的目的是向加拿大主要華人社區介紹《生命恩泉》,並邀請他們加入我們的福傳工作。
我們在八月廿六至三十日到了第一站温哥華,抵達後與那裏的義工,包括有興趣加入的朋友們見面傾談,還有當地的基層基督徒團體和夫婦懇談會。我們並在加拿大殉道聖人天主堂的週年賣物會設置攤位,推廣《生命恩泉》的工作。我們在星期日那天去了三個華人較多的堂區舉行了四次演講,包括加拿大殉道聖人天主堂,聖方濟天主堂和 Corpus Christi Parish。這幾天共有大約五十名義工報名,他們並已經開始籌備温哥華方面的工作。
In August and September, three FLL core team members Paul Yeung, Roque Ip and I embarked on a new adventure – FLL Roadshows. Another three members joined us on our Montreal show, including Colette Chow, Paul Tam and Cecilia Ng. The aim was to introduce our ministry to the major Chinese Catholic communities across Canada and to invite them to join us in our evangelization efforts.
Our first stop was Vancouver where we stayed from August 26 to 30. We had several informal meetings with our current and potential volunteers, Basic Christian Communities and Marriage Encounter groups there. We also set up a booth at the Canadian Martyrs parish's annual bazaar to promote our ministry. On Sunday, our team delivered four FLL presentations at three parishes with a big Chinese population: the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, St. Francis Xavier Church Chinese Catholic Centre, and Corpus Christi Parish. During the few days of our visit, we recruited around 50 volunteers who have already started working for our ministry in Vancouver.
On September 12, we went to Montreal, our next destination. We briefly introduced FLL to the Mandarin bible study group of Montreal Chinese Catholic Mission and on the next day, we did the roadshow presentation to the Cantonese-speaking parishioners. The Montreal radio team also shared their experience in FLL radio production. To most parishioners, it was a surprise as they were not aware that a group of young people from their parish were involved in radio production.
Our last roadshow destination was Ottawa. On the evening of our arrival on September 19, we did a presentation to the Basic Christian Community there. About 30 people attended our sharing and they were all very enthusiastic and supportive. The next day, we conducted our roadshow presentation at the Ottawa Chinese Catholic Community. Although the community is small, it is very tight-knit. We were warmly welcomed by their community and sold many DVDs.
The first roadshows were very rewarding and we look forward to more in the future as we focus on fuelling our evangelical movement by forming new branches outside Toronto.