吳智勳神父是香港耶穌會㑹士,一九七九年於香港晉鐸。他曾任耶穌㑹香港澳門會長,香港大學利瑪竇宿舍舍監,現任香港聖神修院神哲學院倫理神學及中國哲學史教授,香港大學聖安多尼堂區上智之座小堂主任司鐸,及神學雜誌《神思》主编。著作有:《基本倫理神學》,《和平綸音:主日及節日講道》,《耶穌基督普遍救恩:基督徒倫理本地化探索》。 Rev. Fr. Robert Ng Chi-Fun, ordained in 1979, is a Jesuit priest in Hong Kong. He was Chairman of the Society of Jesus in Hong Kong and Macau and Warden of “Ricci Hall” hostel of the University of Hong Kong. Currently, he is Professor of Moral Theology and History of Chinese Philosophy at the Holy Spirit Seminary College and Rector of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel at St. Anthony's Parish. He is also Editor-in-chief of the University of Hong Kong theological magazine Meditation. His publications include: Fundamental Moral Theology, Speak of Peace: Sunday and holiday homilies, and The Universality of Salvation in Jesus Christ. 吳智勳神父專訪(一): 道德導航儀 吳智勳神父專訪(二): 愛在臨終時