
by Guest Contributor

By Joseph Tsui



雖然來電並不太多,但每次輪值後我們都感到有所得着。在等候來電期間,我們通常交換信仰的體驗和觀點、閱讀聖言或為不同的意向祈禱。由於我們來自不同的背景、訓練甚至堂區, 所以互相有很多的交流。通過這些分享,所有外展組成員都獲益良多,在靈修上更覺豐盛。

去年四月,我們有幸聆聽來自另一個機構的資深熱線義工的分享,認識到我們必須投入自己,以愛心去幫助來電者,而最關鍵的忠告是避免與來電者捲入密切的個人或情緒關係。如果碰到情緒窘迫的案例,我們應該轉介給 (天主教) 社會支援機構,及把有關宗教的疑問交給神父或修女去解答。


It has been about a year since we joined the FLL Outreach Team. We volunteer because we are all moved by the dedication of the FLL Core Team members and the inspiring television episodes produced. FLL enlightens us on the importance of evangelization and wakes us up from the slumber of being passive Christians to become instruments of God.

Every Sunday, a few of us take shifts to answer calls on the FLL hotline after the broadcast on Fairchild TV. At the beginning of the shift, we say a prayer to invoke the Holy Spirit to guide us. As for the outcome of each shift, we leave it to the good Lord. We just have to open ourselves up and let Him work through us. During our shifts, we always feel the Holy Spirit is helping us to provide proper guidance to callers.

Although the call volume is not very high, we always feel there is something we can take home after every shift. While waiting for calls, we usually exchange our experiences and ideas on faith, do some religious readings or pray for various intentions. Since we are from different backgrounds, training, or even parishes, we have a lot to share with one another. All Outreach Team members find it very rewarding and are enriched spiritually through such sharings.

In April 2009, we welcomed the opportunity to hear a talk by an experienced hotline volunteer from another organization. We learned that it is very important to engage ourselves in a loving attitude to help callers. One critical advice we received as hotline handlers was not to get personally or emotionally involved with callers. In case of emotional distress, we should always refer callers to (Catholic) social  support organizations; and for questions on religious teachings, to priests or sisters.

In terms of outreach efforts, there is so much for us to learn. We will have to keep developing our skills, learn from others and most importantly, strengthen our own faith in order to continue with our support for the evangelization efforts of FLL.

