教會團體常鼓勵我們為病者和其他有需要人士祈禱,是不求己益的愛的表現,讓我們與天主仁慈的心更貼近,因為這令我們不只顧自己,而學習更關心別人的需要,也更肖似天主,因主耶穌及聖神也為我們轉求,期望每個人都得救。(希 7:25,羅 8:26-27)
The scripture repeatedly reminds us that we should not underestimate the power of intercession – asking on behalf of others. In the Old Testament, there was an example of Abraham asking for God's mercy to spare the city of Sodom, and God was willing to listen and compromise. The Gospel also showed us a few examples of how Jesus cured a paralytic right after seeing the faith of the people who brought the paralytic to Him.
The Church encourages us to pray for the sick and other people in need. This prayer of petition is acting out of our selfless love, shaping our heart to attune to God's mercy, because it leads us not to look into our own interests, but the interests of others, as our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us too, hoping that everyone will be saved. (Hebrew 7:25, Romans 8:26-27)
People who lack faith or who are indulged in sinful lives are even more in need of our fervent intercession, for they might not be able to pray for themselves.
Today's Gospel also reminds us that Jesus moves by seeing our faith, so let our intercession not be casual nor lukewarm, but with faith and compassion let us entrust our loved ones into God's hands.
May God grant people around us what's best for them, Amen.